Source code for piecash._common

import locale

from decimal import Decimal
from sqlalchemy import Column, VARCHAR, INTEGER, cast, Float
from sqlalchemy.ext.hybrid import hybrid_property

from .sa_extra import DeclarativeBase, _Date

[docs]class GnucashException(Exception): pass
[docs]class GncNoActiveSession(GnucashException): pass
[docs]class GncValidationError(GnucashException): pass
[docs]class GncImbalanceError(GncValidationError): pass
[docs]class GncConversionError(GnucashException): pass
[docs]class Recurrence(DeclarativeBase): """ Recurrence information for scheduled transactions Attributes: obj_guid (str): link to the parent ScheduledTransaction record. recurrence_mult (int): Multiplier for the period type. Describes how many times the period repeats for the next occurrence. recurrence_period_type (str): type or recurrence (monthly, daily). recurrence_period_start (date): the date the recurrence starts. recurrence_weekend_adjust (str): adjustment to be made if the next occurrence falls on weekend / non-working day. """ __tablename__ = 'recurrences' __table_args__ = {'sqlite_autoincrement': True} # column definitions id = Column('id', INTEGER(), primary_key=True, nullable=False, autoincrement=True) obj_guid = Column('obj_guid', VARCHAR(length=32), nullable=False) recurrence_mult = Column('recurrence_mult', INTEGER(), nullable=False) recurrence_period_type = Column('recurrence_period_type', VARCHAR(length=2048), nullable=False) recurrence_period_start = Column('recurrence_period_start', _Date(), nullable=False) recurrence_weekend_adjust = Column('recurrence_weekend_adjust', VARCHAR(length=2048), nullable=False) # relation definitions # added from the DeclarativeBaseGUID object (as linked from different objects like the slots) def __str__(self): return "{}*{} from {} [{}]".format(self.recurrence_period_type, self.recurrence_mult, self.recurrence_period_start, self.recurrence_weekend_adjust)
MAX_NUMBER = 2 ** 63 - 1
[docs]def hybrid_property_gncnumeric(num_col, denom_col): """Return an hybrid_property handling a Decimal represented by a numerator and a denominator column. It assumes the python field related to the sqlcolumn is named as _sqlcolumn. :type num_col: sqlalchemy.sql.schema.Column :type denom_col: sqlalchemy.sql.schema.Column :return: sqlalchemy.ext.hybrid.hybrid_property """ num_name, denom_name = "_{}".format(, "_{}".format( name ="_")[0] def fset(self, d): if d is None: num, denom = None, None else: if isinstance(d, tuple): d = Decimal(d[0]) / d[1] elif isinstance(d, (int, int, str)): d = Decimal(d) elif isinstance(d, float): raise TypeError(("Received a floating-point number {} where a decimal is expected. " + "Use a Decimal, str, or int instead").format(d)) elif not isinstance(d, Decimal): raise TypeError(("Received an unknown type {} where a decimal is expected. " + "Use a Decimal, str, or int instead").format(type(d).__name__)) sign, digits, exp = d.as_tuple() denom = 10 ** max(-exp, 0) denom_basis = getattr(self, "{}_basis".format(denom_name), None) if denom_basis is not None: denom = denom_basis num = int(d * denom) if not ((-MAX_NUMBER < num < MAX_NUMBER) and (-MAX_NUMBER < denom < MAX_NUMBER)): raise ValueError(("The amount '{}' cannot be represented in GnuCash. " + "Either it is too large or it has too many decimals").format(d)) setattr(self, num_name, num) setattr(self, denom_name, denom) def fget(self): num, denom = getattr(self, num_name), getattr(self, denom_name) if num is None: return else: return Decimal(num) / denom def expr(cls): # todo: cast into Decimal for postgres and for sqlite (for the latter, use sqlite3.register_converter ?) return (cast(num_col, Float) / denom_col).label(name) return hybrid_property( fget=fget, fset=fset, expr=expr, )
[docs]class CallableList(list): """ A simple class (inherited from list) allowing to retrieve a given list element with a filter on an attribute. It can be used as the collection_class of a sqlalchemy relationship or to wrap any list (see examples in :class:`piecash.core.session.GncSession`) """ fallback = None def __init__(self, *args): list.__init__(self, *args) def __call__(self, **kwargs): """ Return the first element of the list that has attributes matching the kwargs dict. The `get` method is an alias for this method. To be used as:: l(mnemonic="EUR", namespace="CURRENCY") """ for obj in self: for k, v in kwargs.items(): if getattr(obj, k) != v: break else: return obj else: if self.fallback: return self.fallback(**kwargs) else: raise KeyError("Could not find object with {} in {}".format(kwargs, self)) get = __call__
[docs]def get_system_currency_mnemonic(): """Returns the mnemonic of the locale currency (and EUR if not defined). At the target, it could also look in Gnucash configuration/registry to see if the user has chosen another default currency. """ if locale.getlocale() == (None, None): locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '') mnemonic = locale.localeconv()['int_curr_symbol'].strip() or "EUR" return mnemonic