Source code for piecash.budget

from __future__ import division

import uuid

from sqlalchemy import Column, VARCHAR, INTEGER, BIGINT, ForeignKey
from sqlalchemy.orm import relation, foreign

from ._common import hybrid_property_gncnumeric, Recurrence, CallableList
from ._declbase import DeclarativeBaseGuid
from .sa_extra import DeclarativeBase

[docs]class Budget(DeclarativeBaseGuid): """ A GnuCash Budget Attributes: name (str): name of the budget description (str): description of the budget amounts (list of :class:`piecash.budget.BudgetAmount`): list of amounts per account """ __tablename__ = "budgets" __table_args__ = {} # column definitions # keep this line as we reference it in the primaryjoin guid = Column( "guid", VARCHAR(length=32), primary_key=True, nullable=False, default=lambda: uuid.uuid4().hex, ) name = Column("name", VARCHAR(length=2048), nullable=False) description = Column("description", VARCHAR(length=2048)) num_periods = Column("num_periods", INTEGER(), nullable=False) # # relation definitions recurrence = relation( Recurrence, primaryjoin=foreign(Recurrence.obj_guid) == guid, cascade="all, delete-orphan", uselist=False, ) amounts = relation( "BudgetAmount", back_populates="budget", cascade="all, delete-orphan", collection_class=CallableList, ) def __str__(self): return "Budget<{}({}) for {} periods following pattern '{}' >".format(, self.description, self.num_periods, self.recurrence )
[docs]class BudgetAmount(DeclarativeBase): """ A GnuCash BudgetAmount Attributes: amount (:class:`decimal.Decimal`): the budgeted amount account (:class:`piecash.core.account.Account`): the budgeted account budget (:class:`Budget`): the budget of the amount """ __tablename__ = "budget_amounts" __table_args__ = {"sqlite_autoincrement": True} # column definitions id = Column("id", INTEGER(), primary_key=True, autoincrement=True, nullable=False) budget_guid = Column( "budget_guid", VARCHAR(length=32), ForeignKey("budgets.guid"), nullable=False ) account_guid = Column( "account_guid", VARCHAR(length=32), ForeignKey("accounts.guid"), nullable=False ) period_num = Column("period_num", INTEGER(), nullable=False) _amount_num = Column("amount_num", BIGINT(), nullable=False) _amount_denom = Column("amount_denom", BIGINT(), nullable=False) amount = hybrid_property_gncnumeric(_amount_num, _amount_denom) # relation definitions account = relation("Account", back_populates="budget_amounts") budget = relation("Budget", back_populates="amounts") def __str__(self): return "BudgetAmount<{}={}>".format(self.period_num, self.amount)