Source code for

from decimal import Decimal

from sqlalchemy import Column, VARCHAR, INTEGER, BIGINT, ForeignKey, and_, event
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declared_attr
from sqlalchemy.orm import composite, relation, foreign

from .._common import hybrid_property_gncnumeric, CallableList
from .._declbase import DeclarativeBaseGuid
from ..sa_extra import ChoiceType

TaxIncludedType = [
    (1, "YES"),
    (2, "NO"),
    (3, "USEGLOBAL")

[docs]class Address(object): """An Address object encapsulates information regarding an address in GnuCash. Attributes: name (str): self explanatory addr1 (str): self explanatory addr2 (str): self explanatory addr3 (str): self explanatory addr4 (str): self explanatory email (str): self explanatory fax (str): self explanatory phone (str): self explanatory """ _address_fields = [ "name", "addr1", "addr2", "addr3", "addr4", "email", "fax", "phone", ] def __init__( self, name="", addr1="", addr2="", addr3="", addr4="", email="", fax="", phone="", ): = name self.addr1 = addr1 self.addr2 = addr2 self.addr3 = addr3 self.addr4 = addr4 = email self.fax = fax = phone def __composite_values__(self): return (getattr(self, fld) for fld in Address._address_fields) def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, Address) and all( getattr(other, fld) == getattr(self, fld) for fld in Address._address_fields ) def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other)
[docs]class Person: """A mixin declaring common field for Customer, Vendor and Employee""" active = Column("active", INTEGER(), nullable=False) id = Column("id", VARCHAR(length=2048), nullable=False) addr_name = Column("addr_name", VARCHAR(length=1024)) addr_addr1 = Column("addr_addr1", VARCHAR(length=1024)) addr_addr2 = Column("addr_addr2", VARCHAR(length=1024)) addr_addr3 = Column("addr_addr3", VARCHAR(length=1024)) addr_addr4 = Column("addr_addr4", VARCHAR(length=1024)) addr_phone = Column("addr_phone", VARCHAR(length=128)) addr_fax = Column("addr_fax", VARCHAR(length=128)) addr_email = Column("addr_email", VARCHAR(length=256)) @declared_attr def address(cls): return composite( Address, cls.addr_name, cls.addr_addr1, cls.addr_addr2, cls.addr_addr3, cls.addr_addr4, cls.addr_email, cls.addr_fax, cls.addr_phone, ) @declared_attr def currency_guid(cls): return Column( "currency", VARCHAR(length=32), ForeignKey("commodities.guid"), nullable=False, ) @declared_attr def currency(cls): return relation("Commodity") # hold the name of the counter to use for id _counter_name = None def _assign_id(self): if not cnt = getattr(, self._counter_name) + 1 setattr(, self._counter_name, cnt) = "{:06d}".format(cnt) def object_to_validate(self, change): yield self def validate(self): if is None: raise ValueError( "You cannot flush a {} that is not added to a book".format( self.__class__.__name__ ) ) def on_book_add(self): self._assign_id() for job in job.on_book_add() def __str__(self): return "{}<{}:{}>".format(self.__class__.__name__,, @classmethod def __declare_last__(cls): from .invoice import Job owner_type = PersonType.get(cls, None) if owner_type and not hasattr(cls, "jobs"): = relation('Job', primaryjoin=and_( cls.guid == foreign(Job.owner_guid), owner_type == Job.owner_type, ), cascade="all, delete-orphan", collection_class=CallableList, ) @event.listens_for(, "append") def add(target, value, initiator): value.owner_type = owner_type value.owner_guid = target.guid value._assign_id()
[docs]class Customer(Person, DeclarativeBaseGuid): """ A GnuCash Customer Attributes: name (str): name of the Customer id (str): autonumber id with 5 digits (initialised to book.counter_customer + 1) notes (str): notes active (int): 1 if the customer is active, 0 otherwise discount (:class:`decimal.Decimal`): see Gnucash documentation credit (:class:`decimal.Decimal`): see Gnucash documentation currency (:class:`piecash.core.commodity.Commodity`): the currency of the customer tax_override (int): 1 if tax override, 0 otherwise address (:class:`Address`): the address of the customer shipping_address (:class:`Address`): the shipping address of the customer tax_included (str): 'yes', 'no', 'use global' taxtable (:class:``): tax table of the customer term (:class:``): bill term of the customer """ __tablename__ = "customers" __table_args__ = {} # column definitions name = Column("name", VARCHAR(length=2048), nullable=False) # id is nullable as it is set during validation (happening after flush) notes = Column("notes", VARCHAR(length=2048), nullable=False) _discount_num = Column("discount_num", BIGINT(), nullable=False) _discount_denom = Column("discount_denom", BIGINT(), nullable=False) discount = hybrid_property_gncnumeric(_discount_num, _discount_denom) _credit_num = Column("credit_num", BIGINT(), nullable=False) _credit_denom = Column("credit_denom", BIGINT(), nullable=False) credit = hybrid_property_gncnumeric(_credit_num, _credit_denom) tax_override = Column("tax_override", INTEGER(), nullable=False) shipaddr_name = Column("shipaddr_name", VARCHAR(length=1024)) shipaddr_addr1 = Column("shipaddr_addr1", VARCHAR(length=1024)) shipaddr_addr2 = Column("shipaddr_addr2", VARCHAR(length=1024)) shipaddr_addr3 = Column("shipaddr_addr3", VARCHAR(length=1024)) shipaddr_addr4 = Column("shipaddr_addr4", VARCHAR(length=1024)) shipaddr_phone = Column("shipaddr_phone", VARCHAR(length=128)) shipaddr_fax = Column("shipaddr_fax", VARCHAR(length=128)) shipaddr_email = Column("shipaddr_email", VARCHAR(length=256)) shipping_address = composite( Address, shipaddr_name, shipaddr_addr1, shipaddr_addr2, shipaddr_addr3, shipaddr_addr4, shipaddr_email, shipaddr_fax, shipaddr_phone, ) term_guid = Column("terms", VARCHAR(length=32), ForeignKey("billterms.guid")) tax_included = Column("tax_included", ChoiceType(TaxIncludedType)) taxtable_guid = Column("taxtable", VARCHAR(length=32), ForeignKey("taxtables.guid")) # relation definitions taxtable = relation("Taxtable") term = relation("Billterm") def __init__( self, name, currency, id=None, notes="", active=1, tax_override=0, credit=Decimal(0), discount=Decimal(0), taxtable=None, address=None, shipping_address=None, tax_included="USEGLOBAL", book=None, ): = name self.currency = currency self.notes = notes = active = credit = discount self.tax_included = tax_included self.taxtable = taxtable self.tax_override = tax_override if address is None: address = Address(name=name) self.address = address if shipping_address is None: shipping_address = Address("") self.shipping_address = shipping_address if book and id is None: book.add(self) elif id is not None: if isinstance(id, int): = str(id) else: = id _counter_name = "counter_customer"
[docs]class Employee(Person, DeclarativeBaseGuid): """ A GnuCash Employee Attributes: name (str): name of the Employee id (str): autonumber id with 5 digits (initialised to book.counter_employee + 1) language (str): language active (int): 1 if the employee is active, 0 otherwise workday (:class:`decimal.Decimal`): see Gnucash documentation rate (:class:`decimal.Decimal`): see Gnucash documentation currency (:class:`piecash.core.commodity.Commodity`): the currency of the employee address (:class:`Address`): the address of the employee creditcard_account (:class:`piecash.core.account.Account`): credit card account for the employee """ __tablename__ = "employees" __table_args__ = {} # column definitions name = Column("username", VARCHAR(length=2048), nullable=False) # id is nullable as it is set during validation (happening after flush) language = Column("language", VARCHAR(length=2048), nullable=False) acl = Column("acl", VARCHAR(length=2048), nullable=False) ccard_guid = Column("ccard_guid", VARCHAR(length=32), ForeignKey("accounts.guid")) _workday_num = Column("workday_num", BIGINT(), nullable=False) _workday_denom = Column("workday_denom", BIGINT(), nullable=False) workday = hybrid_property_gncnumeric(_workday_num, _workday_denom) _rate_num = Column("rate_num", BIGINT(), nullable=False) _rate_denom = Column("rate_denom", BIGINT(), nullable=False) rate = hybrid_property_gncnumeric(_rate_num, _rate_denom) # relation definitions creditcard_account = relation("Account") def __init__( self, name, currency, creditcard_account=None, id=None, active=1, acl="", language="", workday=Decimal(0), rate=Decimal(0), address=None, book=None, ): = name self.currency = currency = active self.workday = workday self.rate = rate self.acl = acl self.language = language self.creditcard_account = creditcard_account if address is None: address = Address(name=name) self.address = address if book and id is None: book.add(self) elif id is not None: if isinstance(id, int): = str(id) else: = id _counter_name = "counter_employee"
[docs] def on_book_add(self): self._assign_id()
[docs]class Vendor(Person, DeclarativeBaseGuid): """ A GnuCash Vendor Attributes: name (str): name of the Vendor id (str): autonumber id with 5 digits (initialised to book.counter_vendor + 1) notes (str): notes active (int): 1 if the vendor is active, 0 otherwise currency (:class:`piecash.core.commodity.Commodity`): the currency of the vendor tax_override (int): 1 if tax override, 0 otherwise address (:class:`Address`): the address of the vendor tax_included (str): 'YES', 'NO', 'USEGLOBAL' taxtable (:class:``): tax table of the vendor term (:class:``): bill term of the vendor """ __tablename__ = "vendors" __table_args__ = {} # column definitions name = Column("name", VARCHAR(length=2048), nullable=False) # id is nullable as it is set during validation (happening after flush) notes = Column("notes", VARCHAR(length=2048), nullable=False) tax_override = Column("tax_override", INTEGER(), nullable=False) term_guid = Column("terms", VARCHAR(length=32), ForeignKey("billterms.guid")) tax_included = Column("tax_inc", VARCHAR(length=2048)) tax_table_guid = Column( "tax_table", VARCHAR(length=32), ForeignKey("taxtables.guid") ) # relation definitions taxtable = relation("Taxtable") term = relation("Billterm") def __init__( self, name, currency, id=None, notes="", active=1, tax_override=0, taxtable=None, credit=Decimal(0), discount=Decimal(0), address=None, tax_included="USEGLOBAL", book=None, ): = name self.currency = currency self.notes = notes = active = credit = discount self.tax_included = tax_included self.taxtable = taxtable self.tax_override = tax_override if address is None: address = Address(name=name) self.address = address if book and id is None: book.add(self) elif id is not None: if isinstance(id, int): = str(id) else: = id _counter_name = "counter_vendor"
PersonType = {Vendor: 4, Customer: 2}